Becoming a new parent is a huge life event, one that comes with numerous questions and a whole bunch of new learning. One area where you’ll discover plenty of new realities is within dental care.
At the offices of Southridge Pediatric Dentistry, we’re here to help. We’re a children’s dentist office that helps kids of all ages with everything from preventive to restorative care, and we can put you on the right track with your infant as well. Here are some basic tips.
Begin a Routine
Some new parents mistakenly believe they don’t have to pay much attention to the mouth until the first teeth have erupted – this is far from the truth. A baby’s first tooth won’t typically erupt until around the eight month mark, but it’s still vital to keep their mouth clean in a routine.
The simplest way here is to take a damp cloth or gauze, then rub them over the gums to remove food debris. You can also use a soft baby toothbrush here if you wish. Remember to scrub gently, as a baby’s gums are very sensitive.
Include Healthy Foods
Between four and six months into life, most children are ready to begin eating solids. Use this as a chance to introduce them to mouth-healthy foods, including soft foods like bananas, sweet potatoes and avocadoes. These are all great for the teeth and also healthy for the gums and other parts of the body.
Be Flexible
Every child’s care will be different, and you’ll have to adapt your routine to adjust to their specifics. As they age, be sure to replace items like their toothbrush and toothpaste at proper intervals. Also be sure to visit the kids dentist office regularly to stay on top of any other areas you need to be in charge of.
Establish a Dental Practice
Down similar lines, it’s important to establish a dental home early in life. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry advises parents to do this before the child’s first birthday – many parents try to have it done by the time the first tooth erupts. A pediatric dentist allows a child to get care designed specifically for their teeth, plus diagnosis of any early issues.
For more on oral care for newborns, or to learn about any of our other services, speak to the staff at Southridge Pediatric Dentistry today.